ViewMate Pro

ViewMate Pro

Quick Overview

ViewMate Pro is designed for today’s power user. Now equipped with a DXF File Converter to give users the ability to convert Gerber to DXF and DXF to Gerber, ViewMate Pro has more value than ever before!

Your selection is: ViewMate Pro
Unit Price: $695.00


››› ViewMate Pro - Computer Locked - $695.00*
We issue you a license file that locks ViewMate Pro to a single computers ethernet card.

››› ViewMate Pro - USB Dongle - Single User - $995.00*
We provide you a USB dongle. ViewMate Pro can be installed on multiple computers but will only run on a computer that has the dongle plugged in.

››› ViewMate Pro - USB Dongle - Multi-User licenses starting at - $1320.00*
We provide you a USB dongle to plug into your server. ViewMate Pro can be installed and run on any computer connected to your network. The allowed number of users running ViewMate Pro simultaneously is set to the number of users purchased.

* Includes 1 year free upgrades and technical support. ViewMate Pro Annual Software Maintenance - $200 For questions about ViewMate Pro please contact us.


  • Smart DFM automated design for manufacturing check and correct
  • DXF File Converter
  • Import multiple net-list formats
  • Venting & Thieving
  • Filleting
  • Fill Polygons
  • Solder-mask Generation
  • Overlap Correction
  • Draw to Flash Pad Conversion
  • Snap to Padmaster
  • Easily Quote and Order circuits boards within your design
  • Copper area calculation
  • Solder-mask generation
  • Copper pouring
  • Silkscreen clipping
  • Automated Venting & thieving
  • Board Cleanup Functions
  • One year of free technical support
  • And, much more!

Do you want Design Rule Checking?
When using ViewMate Pro, with Smart DFM you can check data for a host of violations. And not just one layer at a time! Multiple violations, multiple layers with fast, accurate results. The system provides an ASCII error report, and in addition, creates a Gerber file that makes correcting plot files a snap.

How about filleting, silkscreen clipping, draw-to-flash, or venting and thieving? These functions are all automated! All you do is set the parameters once, the system does the rest. Fast and accurate, every time!

ViewMate Pro, with Smart DFM is packed with features; circular interpolation, modifying D Codes, merging aperture lists, moving data, aligning layers, entering text at any size and location. ViewMate Pro, with Smart DFM has the functionality to handle even the most complex data.

No more guessing what your circuit board will look like. No more waiting for photo-plots or worse, your prototype circuit board, to see your true design. With ViewMate Pro, with Smart DFM, you can rest assured that the capabilities you need for today's and tomorrows challenges are there when you need them.

ViewMate Pro includes technical support and software updates for computer license, 1 year per registered network license or USB dongle.