For over 30 years Pentalogix has been considered the leader in providing engineers with CAM and Gerber software products.
ViewMate is the industry standard for, viewing, editing and printing Gerber data, panelize your board and much more!
Designer's choice in CAM Software! Automate everyday tasks with scripting in CAMMaster!
New features available through EMS Magician modules:
Control your entire testing process from beginning to end.
EMS Magician is a Pack of Modules for ViewMate Pro, CAMMaster and CAMMaster Designer.
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We provide end-to-end PCB solutions from Concept to Completion and the tools you need to assemble your prototype PCBs!
All US Quickturn PCBs are Certified by Viewmate with SmartDFM!
We support:
We design single, double, and high layer count (Up to 32 layers), Rigid, and Flex-Rigid printed circuit boards.
We are committed to delivering high quality laser stencils View all Stencils
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We offer leaded and lead free solder pastes
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We have all the tools you need to create your perfect PCB
Best Sellers SMT and Through Hole Equipment Manual and automatic stencil printers, pick-and-place machines, soldering robots and more.
An evolution of the highly successful NC258 platform, M8 brings no clean solder paste performance to the next level. Developed in combination with T4 and finer mesh leaded alloy powders, M8 provides stable transfer efficiencies required for today’s UFP and umBGA devices, reducing DPMO on the most challenging applications.
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