Selective Solder Fixtures

Selective Solder Fixtures

Quick Overview

While wave soldering is mainly used for soldering large number of boards with through-components. Selective soldering is mainly used for soldering small number of boards with mixed technology (SMT and through-hole components).

Because selective solder machines use a miniature wave they do not require the use of wave solder pallets. However, sometimes it is necessary to use a selective solder fixture to provide PCB support and improve the overall process.

  • Provide support for thin or flimsy circuit boards
  • Improve soldering quality
  • Improve repeatable
  • Eliminate flooding problems
  • Reduces setup time
  • Improve board handling
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PCB Unlimited offers production and prototype selective solder fixtures. Our production selective solder fixtures are made with an ESD composite, pressed fibre, thermoset plastic which can be machined to create wave pallets and SMT fixtures. Our prototype selective solder fixtures are made with high Tg FR4 (PCB material) to reduce manufacturing cost and lead time.