What is the US QuickTurn PCB manufacturing policy?
1. Orders are not guaranteed to be accepted by us until your files pass our Smart DFM review.
2. We prefer that you pass your design through Smart DFM. This way, you can correct any errors that you find. At the end of the Smart DFM process, you can save a .ezq file. If there are no errors, then we can manufacture your board directly from the .ezq file. If you get stuck in the middle of the Smart DFM process, you can save and submit your .ezq file to us for additional help.
3. While we prefer that you send us a file after passing it through Smart DFM, you can also choose to send us your raw Gerber and Drill files. We will process your files using Smart DFM and send you an email with a detailed result of the Smart DFM checks. If possible, we will edit your files to remove any Smart DFM violations. Our email to you will detail any changes that we've made and we will send a revised .ezq file that you can load into any of our ViewMate family of products. You can review all of the suggested changes that we've made. If you're happy with our changes, then you can ask us to produce your PCB using the supplied .ezq file. However, we recommend that you change your design in your CAD system so that it passes our Smart DFM checks without requiring any alterations.
4. All files will be retained for 3 months.
5. Orders can be shipped anywhere in the world that is served by UPS or FedEx, so long as no US Export restrictions are in force.
6. We reserve the right to change prices and delivery terms at any time.
If your design contains non-plated holes
Smart DFM places plated and non-plated holes on separate layers. If you run your design through Smart DFM, please remember to check the "Non-Plated Through Holes" check box.
If you send us raw Gerber and Drill files, and your design contains both plated and non-plated holes, then we prefer that you place these holes on separate layers. This will ensure that we understand your intent. If you are using ViewMate Deluxe or ViewMate Pro, then you can also submit your data as a .bin file. Name your plated drill layer "PlatedDrills" and your non-plated drill layer "NonPlatedDrills".
Board Outlines
Your board outline does not have to be square or rectangular. You can submit round boards or boards with a complex shape. Our requirement is that we can convert your outline to a continuous unbroken path. By default, we will rout your board outline with a 0.0625" diameter rout bit. This will result in a minimum radius of approximately 0.032" on inside corners. If your design contains inside corners with radii of less than 0.032", then we will use a 0.03125" diameter rout tool to cut out your board. In this case, inside corners will have a minimum radius of 0.016".
Default rout tool diameter is 0.0625".
All features are cut out using this tool if possible (both internal features and the board outline).
Internal Cutouts
Your design can have both plated and non-plated internal cutouts. We suggest that you add one layer for each type of cutout (plated or non-plated). Just place elements in these layers that are the exact shape of the cutout that you want. For example, if you want a 0.050" x 1.00" slot cutout of the board, then just add a trace of this size to the appropriate layer. If you have a more complex shape, then just submit it as one or more polygons that describe the edge of the cutout. We suggest you draw the polygon with an "F-Type" shape (a line of zero width). If you choose, you can draw the polygons with any width trace. We assume that the centerline of the trace describes the edge of your internal cutout. Plated cutouts will have the inside of the cutout plated with the finish that you choose (Tin/Lead HASL or Immersion Silver (ROHS)). Non-plated cutouts will not have any plating on the internal edges. Name your plated cutouts layer "PlatedInternalRouts". Name your non-plated internal routs "NonPlatedInternalRouts". If you wish, you can also supply a drawing that details the internal cutouts and we will create the needed geometry for you. We prefer to use a 0.0625" rout bit for internal cutouts, although we will use a 0.03125" diameter bit if your design contains features with internal radii of less than 0.032".
Solder Mask Swell and "Minimum Web"
When manufacturing your board, there may be a small misregistration between the solder mask layers and the underlying copper layers. As a result, we recommend that you swell your solder mask layer so that it is 0.005" (0.0025" on a side) larger than the underlying copper elements. This way, if there is a misregistration, then your copper pads will not have any solder mask on them. You should also ensure that your design has a "Minimum Web" of at least 0.003" between adjacent pads. Smart DFM can pinpoint any problem areas for you.
Silk Screen Feature Size
We recommend that your silk screen features have a width of at least 0.007", although the absolute minimum for clear legibility is 0.005". If you submit a Smart DFM file with features that are less than 0.005", then we will simply submit your design for manufacture. There is no guarantee that these narrow features will reproduce correctly. If you submit Gerber data or a .bin file to us, then we will modify your silk screen layers if any features are less than 0.007". If possible, we will set all features so that the minimum trace width is 0.007". Where this is impractical, we will reduce the silk screen feature size to a minimum of 0.005".
Do PC Boards UL marking?
By default we add a UL marking to the bottom copper layer.
If there is no room on the bottom copper layer we add a UL marking to the bottom silkscreen.
2 Layer UL marking:
Multi Layer UL marking:
We add a Date Code, a 3 digit order fragment and a Serial Number to the bottom silk screen layer: